'Why dont you take Achulde along, when you go to Aluva this weekend?'
The statement surprises everyone including me and I regret it the moment I say it.I know I am done.
Achulde's g. parents are here for his b'day and they are going back, this weekend. The husband also is planning to accompany them as he has some other duties to take care of there. And this is when the CFL in my head decides to go all bright. Achulde's g.mother gets all excited and starts planning immediately. The husband just looks at me, he knows its one of the brilliant FIMs(Foot in Mouth) that pops out of me from time to time, those are my TMs.
Now what do I do. Since the suggestion is mine, I cannot take it back. I look at R. hoping he would save me. ' Why not
?!'comes the response from the husband!!
It could've been a life saving 'No , next time' or a ' Are you sure?' response, but no,he chooses to say 'why not?'
Amma by this time is all enthu and goes a couple of steps further and suggests that 'Let him stay there with us for a week at
A week?! Completely out of question.He cannot stay away from me for that long. But can't you see the obvious? How will I stay
away for 2 days from my lil' Achulde?
Achulde, ofcourse doesn't have a clue of whats happening. He's so many more important thing to take care of!
Night falls. The plan is to leave by the early morning train and what do I do now? To make matters worse, theres a silly tiff between the husband and self, so there's this 'First who?!' thing also in the air.So the matter remains undiscussed till the D-day morning.
Come Saturday morning and the plans are still on. I get him dressed up, the lil fellow is still sleeping, its just 4:30 in
the morning. Clothes are packed, food is packed, everything's ready. Iam all the while hoping that he'd get up now and then
he wouldn't want to go, but no such luck!!!They all enter the elevator.The husband's carrying Achulde and as the lift's about
to close,Achulde wakes up and looks around.I press the button and keep the door open, just in case, he starts crying, I can
take him back.He looks around, assesses the situation , smiles and gets all excited and waves good-bye!!! Tough luck. I go
the balcony and wait. Thought process is that ,the smile and the good-bye is only 'coz hes just half-awake, by the time he
reaches the Ground Floor or atleast by the time he reaches the car, realisation would dawn and sense would prevail and he'll
come back in another 5 mts.I stay there , sharpening my ears to catch the crying sound. I see the car on the road- no such
luck either!!!
The next one hr, the hopes are really on a very large scale. They'd be coming back from the railway station, c'oz he realised
and started crying!!! Have you ever wondered, the capacity of the human mind to hope against all hopes? Is it coz I am an
optimist(Am I really one?!) or is every one like this?
I decide to execute all my shelved plans during the weekend. Visit to the Dr, dentist etc had been postponed for quite
sometime.I set about doing all that. Howelse would I pass time?
5 hrs later, the husband calls, they've reached Kottayam, Achulde is all smiles and really happy and playing et al non-
stop, eversince he got up from slumber.I am relieved. If he doesn't cry,then I am OK, I tell myself!!!
The full day passes, with phone calls to and fro, each one of them bringing good reports - he's fine,he's not cried at all,
he's busy playing,he's not asked for me even once etc etc !!! Although the last piece of news is not that pleasing ;), I am
happy for him, though I cannot help wondering whether he's just putting on a brave face.
The weekend is one of the longest ever, even Mommolde is wondering and looking all around, he must be feeling strange, the
place is so quiet all on a sudden, something hes not at all used to!!!
Sunday noon, I call up the husband and ask ' Didn't he ask for me even once?' 'Nope' comes the reply. 'You are sad 'coz he
hasn't, isn't it?' comes an addendum!!!I must admit I am sad, not really sad, but I'd be lying if I say, it didnt affect me.I
think I feel that way 'coz, my gut-feel is that Achulde is just not showing, somehow thats the feeling I get and thats
Anyways, I am glad the weekend has passed.
Finally I am at the Rlwy. Stn at 6 in the evening. The Day Express arrives on time luckily.I can see them both now. Achulde
hasn't seen me yet. I am almost running towards them. I am just abt near them, the husband is glad to see me( I notice :D ),
Achulde is busy looking at the train and then suddenly he sees me. The next moment he squeals in delight and the next moment , he looks the other way, he wouldn't make eye contact with me for the next 5 mts. I am already in tears.And then he jumps in the air and is in my hands, in one swift motion. All excited he starts his rhymes ' Tain , tain gauway, come gain nather
dday !!!'
All my anxieties, all my worries have melted away and all's well in my world. Touchwood!!!
Enjoyed reading the post! I coudl identify with your feelings coz I am going thru something similar.My 7 yr old is in India for summer now. And he is doing fine. Which makes u think dont u miss me! And you put my feelings into words - abt the worry that he is just putting a brave face!
touchwood and God bless!
nalla brave anallo munch.glad that his trip keep him excited throughout; good for him, seemed not so good for you( man anxiety can be killing).
@ anamika,me was busy with the house shifting et al.checking mails after almost a week.Another week to go before I get the net connection!!!
And how are you coping now? When does the lil one come back home?The feeling is terrible, isn't it?
I was absolutely rite abt Achulde putting on a brave face, the next one week after he returned, he was absolutely "chipko chipko". Man, the small step that we took really backfired!!!
@ Shy,I must admit it was a terrible mistake :), he was just putting on a brave face.The next one week, I counted stars, left rite and middle!!!
I like the layout very much.Loved your blog - will be here often !
Chakkara) 18/06/08
Hey thanks C :)
congrats on finding the new house. Good luck and God bless
We still have 20 more days to go before we go see him. He turned 7 last week. But to be frank, we also got used to this life now, and we carry on with our lives. Time to time, it feels like a pain at the back of mind that Son 1 is away..I still don't regret it coz it should make him stronger..will see how it goes.
edo, i thought i had responded to this...maybe not..i can imagine what an ordeal it would have been for you...having never done that...i am not sure how i will handle it, would probably be worse than you :)
@ Shy, thanks very much
@ Anamika, you must be in India now for sure and delighted in meeting your son :) Happy Hols
@ UL, you bet !!! :)
Edo, was busy with so many things, logging to the net after almost one and half months. House shifting, then Mommolde's Chorunu and then Mommolde fell sick and was hospitalised for a week, came back home on saturday from hosp & then I joined work on monday :( And finally , got net connection at home too :)
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